Clothes, The company shows off clothes in different ways from people wearing them, TV ads, and the store itself! age group:Teens/young adults Target Group:Both Male&Female I looked in the store because theyre manicans had very pretty outfits so I bought things in it.

Lipgloss, Companys sell their lipgloss by showing people it, they get girls with pretty lips to sell there product which makes us want to buy it because we think it will do the same to our lips age group: Teenagers Target group:Females I found out about this product at the store (they have a store inside where I went) and bought lipgloss!!

Straigntner, They show off the straightner by doing peoples hair really pretty and sayign they did it with that hair tool.. age group:Teenagers Target Group:Female, I found out about this item by a friend and started using it during middle school
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