Thursday, May 10, 2012

3 favorite new cars

A 2008 Range Rover costs about $82,000 I would want to own one because it is safe and reliable.

A Ford F150 costs $43,600 I would want to own one because trucks are really pretty and the are reliable.

A Toyota Corolla costs $17,300 I want one because I prefer cars and its safe and reliable as well.

Car Buying Advice!

How to buy a used car:
When buying a used car its best to find out the history of the car (, how many cylinders the car has(how much gas is needed), the fuel economy, reliability, safety ratings,consumer ratings, and of course the price.
Sites recommended for used cars:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Frank Lloyd Wright

 was an American architect, interior designer, writer and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures and completed 500 works
-Born June 18,1867
-Died on April 9th 1959 (age 91)
-Nationality American
-His work includes original and innovative examples of many different building types, including offices, churches, schools, skyscrapers, hotels, and museums
-He built the following houses:  

People you would need in an architect firm:
construction workers

A picture of his glass:
2 Pictures of his buildings:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sketch Up

Today I learned how to make a park with sculptures, people, restroom, anything you can thing of that goes in a park.

Google SketchUp

I learned how to use "Google SketchUp" it used to be a program archatects use but google purchased it and now its open to everyone. You can create buildings, houses, parks,etc. Its very fun!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Ive been to Kansas, Honolulu Hawaii, California(San Dego, San Fransisco, San Jose, Los Angeles)
Honolulu, Hawaii
San Diego, California
San Jose, California
San Fransisco, California
Los Angeles, California

Friday, January 13, 2012

Favorite items & Ads

Clothes, The company shows off clothes in different ways from people wearing them, TV ads, and the store itself! age group:Teens/young adults Target Group:Both Male&Female I looked in the store because theyre manicans had very pretty outfits so I bought things in it.
Lipgloss, Companys sell their lipgloss by showing people it, they get girls with pretty lips to sell there product which makes us want to buy it because we think it will do the same to our lips age group: Teenagers Target group:Females I found out about this product at the store (they have a store inside where I went) and bought lipgloss!!
Straigntner, They show off the straightner by doing peoples hair really pretty and sayign they did it with that hair tool.. age group:Teenagers Target Group:Female, I found out about this item by a friend and started using it during middle school